Blog del Profesorado de Religión Católica: Seminario gratuito (on line) para profesores de Religión de Europa: "Enseñar Religión en tiempos de COVID"

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

Seminario gratuito (on line) para profesores de Religión de Europa: "Enseñar Religión en tiempos de COVID"

Estimad@s compañe@s:

En el marco de la Junta Directiva de EFTRE que se va a celebrar el sábado 21 de Noviembre (online), EFTRE ofrece un Seminario gratuito (on line) para profesores de Religión de Europa: "Enseñar Religión en tiempos de COVID"

La Junta Directiva de EFTRE que se tenía que haber celebrado en Valencia organizada por APPRECE-CV, tiene lugar on-line a causa de la pandemia.

El seminario para profesores de Religión tendrá lugar el viernes 20 de noviembre y tendrá una duración de unos 90 minutos, de 15 a las 16.30

La invitación está al final de este post. 

The European Forum of Teachers of RE (EFTRE: see  would like you to join a FREE seminar on: 


This will take place on Friday, 20th November 3-4.30pm CET (so -/+ one hour, depending on where you are in Europe!). 

There will be: 

  • a brief welcome from the Chair of EFTRE, Lesley Prior
  • a key note talk by Prof. Dr. Hubertus (Bert) Roebben from the University of Bonn, entitled "Collateral damage and/or collateral grace? How Corona has changed our provisions and visions of Religious Education in schools in Europe" and followed by group discussions and questions
  •  some reflections on practical approaches to teaching and learning from Prof. Dr. Sonja Danner from KPH Vienna
  • concluding remarks and farewells.

At the present time, Covid-19 is a significant factor in all our lives, every day and all around the world. We have to cope with the challenges it poses, not only in our personal lives but also in our different professional contexts. This seminar will offer us opportunities to reflect critically on the main issues for us in RE, as well as suggesting some strategies for addressing these with our pupils.

The Zoom Link to join the seminar is below. Please sign in with your name and your country! We look forward to welcoming you to this event! 

EFTRE Seminar

Time: Nov 20, 2020 02:00 PM Dublin/London

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 993 3982 9400

Passcode: 853446

Best wishes,


Lesley Prior

Office Hours: by appointment

Senior Lecturer in RE: three days a week

Address: University of Roehampton | Froebel College | Lu.029

Roehampton Lane | London | SW15 5PJ

Fuente: vía email

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